Overcoming Fear: The Root of Emotional Trauma and Unpleasant Feelings

As a Havening practitioner, I have had the privilege of working with clients from various backgrounds and helping them heal from past traumas and unpleasant feelings. Whether it's a memory that keeps them stuck, a phobia, or an inexplicable feeling, the common underlying factor is fear.

Fear is a natural part of our lives. We are born with a few primal fears such as the fear of being dropped and the fear of starvation, but most of the fears we experience as adults are learned. Fear is often the root cause of many emotional and psychological issues and can manifest in various forms. Some of the more common fears I work with are the fear of dying, public speaking, being alone, changing careers, ending a relationship, illness, success, making a mistake, and intimacy.

As a former people-pleaser, I understand the fear of rejection and how it can influence our actions and thoughts. The good news is that fears, like beliefs, can be unlearned. By identifying the root cause of our fears, we can overcome them and live a life free from emotional constraints.

Fear has two meanings: Face Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. We always have a choice. In overcoming fear, we must understand that it is just a thought that we keep repeating. The subconscious does not differentiate between reality and thoughts, so if we keep thinking about a fear, it will become a reality for us. This is why affirmations and positive self-talk can be so powerful.

As a practitioner, I have seen the transformative power of Havening and how it can help clients overcome their fears and emotional traumas. However, it takes courage and commitment to face our fears and overcome them. I know it's not easy, but I also know it's worth it. By embracing our authenticity, we can rise above fear and live a life of fulfillment and joy."