Some have called me a healer, a beacon of hope, a brain mechanic, and even a lifesaver.

What I believe I am is a seasoned professional in rewiring mind, body and soul connection.

My approach is based on proven scientific principles, but one thing my clients always agree on is they leave a session feeling ‘lighter and free’.

I offer one-off sessions to help clients achieve quick breakthroughs and deeper coaching packages for those seeking more comprehensive support. Whether you want to overcome emotional blocks, improve your relationships, or reach your full potential, I can help guide you towards greater self-awareness and empowerment.

What happens in a session?

"A Unique Experience in Every Session"

Every session with me is tailored to meet each client's unique needs. We start with an open and trusting conversation, creating a connection between the conscious and subconscious mind. Some clients know exactly what they want to address, while others may only have a general sense of what's holding them back.

Together, we work to build trust and identify the root causes of the issue using communication and various tools. We can explore the memories, emotions, and experiences that are at the heart of the issue.

What happens after a session?

After a session, within a few hours, days or weeks, it leads to a profound and lasting change. No longer will you be burdened by blocks, traumas, stuck emotions, anxiety, or distressing memories. Instead, these difficulties will become distant memories, as though they have been muted, blurred, or relegated to the past. You'll feel detached, safe, calm, in control, and happier than ever before. This is because the biological structure of your brain has been permanently altered, so you'll never experience the same level of distress or negativity again.

  • Emotional Well-being

    • Deep sadness & depression

    • Uncontrollable crying

    • Emotional pain and suffering

    • Feelings of being terrified

    • Panic attacks

    Mindfulness & Mental Health

    • Compulsive overthinking

    • Anxiety Disorders

    • Intrusive thoughts

    • Hypervigilance

    • Stress management

    Physical Health

    • Chronic pain

    • Emotional/ distorted eating

    • Nightmares

    • Insomnia & sleep issues

    • Release Past Pain

    Life Transitions & Adaptations

    • Career Change Support

    • Adjusting to New Life Phases

    • Navigating with Loss or Grief

    • Building Resilience during Transitions

    Trust & Relationship Issues

    • Lack of trust

    • Anger Management

    • Forgiveness & letting go

    • Relationships

    • Embrace Self-Forgiveness

    Personal Growth

    • Lack of confidence

    • Low self-esteem

    • Re-writing stories

    • Breaking Free from Self-Criticism

    • Finding Purpose

    Stress & Burnout

    • Uninspired and lack of motivation

    • Overcoming Burnout

    • Reigniting Inspiration & Sparkle

    • Cultivating Confidence & Creativity

    • Embrace Self-Forgiveness

    Fear & Phobias

    • Fear-based beliefs

    • Overcome Phobias

    • Feelings of being terrified

    • Intrusive thoughts

    • Hypervigilance

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The experience feels different for different people. Some people feel a floating sensation, a deep meditation or sleep and some do not.

    Most people feel relaxed and at ease. What’s most important is to know that how you feel isn’t an indicator of how effective it is. Regardless of what it feels like – it’s working. I promise.

  • Don’t worry about how deep you go. I want you to forget all about that. It’s not necessary. The depth of trance is not linked to results at all. Just know that it is effective.

  • No. You are awake and alert, aware of everything happening throughout the session.

  • No. You are in charge. You cannot be made to do anything and you cannot be taken into hypnosis against your will. It is your experience, my involvement is to simply facilitate your experience.

  • Absolutely. All clients are assured of confidentiality about any disclosed material in accordance with professional codes of ethics.

  • The modalities I use are not magic – they are backed by science! By creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM.

    That’s what allows you to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it, you’ll see for yourself when you do it too!

  • There are three types of change from any form of therapy – every person is different:

    • Immediate: You feel a massive shift right away – immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviours right in the session.

    • Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day, or over time.

    • Retroactive: You don’t see the shifts right away and then one day you suddenly look back and see all of the things that are different in your life.

    You may experience a combination of the three.

  • My approach is unique because even if you think you know the reason, you see it in a COMPLETELY new way. That’s what allows you to change the meaning and, ultimately, change your beliefs. And for many clients go back to scenes that are different from what they expected. Just relax and trust that your subconscious mind will show you precisely what you need to see. Remember: if you did know the real reason behind your issue, you probably would have fixed it by now.

  • Yes. Regression is an invaluable way to discover the source of an issue. You will not re-experience anything, you will observe events or experiences you have had in your past. What you see may make you sad or joyful but either way you will feel completely safe as you observe.

  • Everyone is different, and depending on how deeply you work, you might come out of your session bouncing out of your skin, ready to run a marathon or you may feel a sense of reflection or wonder or ready for deep sleep. You may continue to discover even more about yourself & your programming post-session. Whether you feel excited or reflective, you will always leave sessions feeling lighter with understanding, freedom and empowerment.

  • Online Sessions are available for clients out of the area where I am practising, online sessions are equally as effective as face-to-face and more than 50% of sessions are online.

    Currently, Zoom is used, it is reliable, easy and free for you. All instructions are provided.

  • 9 years to 99 years. It's important to note that no matter the age it must be the CLIENT'S highest priority that is addressed in a session (this often differs from parental priorities) and the client’s own choice to work with me. For children under 14, a parent will be present in the room for legal purposes, unless discussed prior.

  • If you go back to scenes from your life that are related to things like sexual or physical abuse, or other trauma, it’s important to remember that you are not reliving that scene, you are simply reviewing it and that you are safe. I will support you and create a safe space for you to express your emotions and heal – you’ll be OK, these memories are coming up because you feel safe and they are looking for resolution. If this is the case, I promise the freedom from these sessions will be life-changing.

Re-defining the art of healing transformation

I am here to open your mind to the unique experience of living your best life. I am a deep thinker who is deeply passionate about engaging Neuroscience to nurture the mind, soul, and body, specialising in working with individuals who experience life with heightened sensitivity, both physically and emotionally. 

We were born on this earth to live abundant lives, packed to the brim with our wildest, happiness, and most significant dreams.

So what holds us back? Well, that’s where I come in.

My skills are focused on healing and re-empowering others from my personal life experiences and learned techniques. As a Certified Practitioner and faith-filled woman, I predominantly work with teenagers, corporate and influential leaders to everyday women worldwide. I use techniques alongside the Holy Spirit to unlock the emotions and trauma that cause my clients physical and mental pain. 

This means I am helping you free yourself from past negative experiences and re-empowering you in your own life!

With over seven years of extensive training and having been immersed in personal development for 15 years, I confidently take women from feeling the heaviness of life to feeling lighter in their bodies and minds. It is clear to me that the unhappiness of humanity comes from the belief that we believe we are not enough, and that is so far from the truth. 

Therefore, I’ve made it my mission to remind as many as possible that you are worth living a happy and incredible life.  We create impact through one-on-one in-person meetings, virtual online sessions, retreats, workshops, and group programs.

Contact us.
(+61) 0420 615 540

Gold Coast Australia