i am enough

Be kind, To yourself

Be kind, To yourself

Respect your body. I know for myself, as I can only speak for me. That the minute I started to not focus on my fitness as being something I simply had to do, and something that I enjoy doing, weight dropped off, I trimmed down and I became a lot sexier from the inside out. Now everybody is different, if you’d like more support in overcoming these minor things in your life, reach out. I’ve had clients do complete 360’s from hating their natural beautiful faces to never wearing foundation again, to women not feeling sexy enough to go to the beach, to shopping for a bikini that afternoon.

You can overcome anything, just need to remember any thought you limit yourself to believing is a limiting belief, so switch it, if you cant switch it then get in contact and we’ll haven that!

Finding a Mantra

Finding a Mantra

For me, you'll know I didn't always feel enough, in actual fact for years I lived in a state of 'confidently anxious' as I'd like to call it. Until, Havening 'found me' at one of my lowest points, for this I'm forever grateful. Having the feeling of 'worthless' removed from my subconscious, has had the most profound effect on my life.