Preparing for an Upcoming Transformation Session
To ensure the best outcome from your session, it's important to consider what reality you would like to heal and experience in your life, such as romance, health, family, or career. Think about what you'd like to let go of and what you hope to achieve. You are welcome to bring any notes related to your past and ideal future to the session.
Before the Session:
If the session relates to health, bring a list of symptoms.
If you have any questions, please email
Wear light and comfortable clothing, preferably made of natural fabric and without straps.
Minimize the use of makeup.
For Zoom Sessions:
Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 1-2 hours.
Join the Zoom meeting using the following details: Meeting ID: 247 424 9051 Password: 984705
For In-Person Sessions:
Arrive 5-10 minutes before the session and wait in the waiting room.
The session will take place at the location in your reminder email.
If you have any trouble finding the location, call Elle directly on 0420 615 547.
Payment can be made prior to the session or on the day into the following account:
Account name: Elle Louise Mcbride BSB: 801009 ACC: 100031626
After the Session:
Drink plenty of water and be gentle with yourself in the three days following the session.
You may experience physical, emotional, and mental changes as things shift energetically, such as heightened sensitivity, fluctuations in energy levels, emotional eruptions, increased dream activity, changes in bodily functions, and changes in the way your body feels. These reactions may last only a few days and give way to a renewed sense of balance, energy, and health.
Terms and Conditions:
When you book and confirm a session, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with them.
Elle Mcbride