If you’re really ready to take control of your health, relationships, career and create an uncompromised life, Elles is ready to hold your hand, Why? because she’s been there and pulling yourself out of the slump time and time again, ain’t easy!
Life's not meant to be hard.
Why should you work with a coach or mentor?
Coaching is more performance-driven, designed to improve the quality of life in specific areas. Mentoring is more development-driven, looking not just at the client’s specific needs but looking beyond, taking a more holistic approach to life in all areas.
Elle Believes she caters to both, let’s call it ‘Centoring’ a mix of both specific areas of life are working on so the grand picture can change. Due to us living in a world with a limited vocabulary, you’ll find works like Coaching, Coach, and Mentoring/ Mentor used throughout this website and Elle’s work due to it being easier to understand.
Elle specialises yet is not limited to working with clients who;
Are aware there is more to life than what is currently available to them.
Are awakening spiritually and needing support and guidance.
Are creators, leaders, and visionaries.
Have a business or aspire to have one.
Passionate empaths struggle to support themselves before others.
Are wanting to overcome their past so they can live in the moment and receive.
Please note: Elle only works with aligned clients; an application must be filled out, and a phone call will take place before an in-depth intake form is completed.
“Together let’s take a scientific approach and include a little everyday effort to get you the results you’re looking for, long term”
Life Transformation - 30 Days
1 x Intro coaching session to map out the transformation you are looking for - 30 mins
2 x Phenomenal Transformation Session - 2 hours These sessions include a mix of modalities, including Havening Techniques, Hypnotherapy, Access Consciousness and Metacognitive coaching.
1 x Custom-created hypnosis recording to rewire old, stagnant, limiting beliefs and solidify new empowering ones
Access to Havening Library - contains over 300 minutes of Havening recordings & videos with Elle (Valued $599AUD)
1 x Follow-up session - 15 mins
24/7 Email support for 30 days
Investment AUS $1111
Payment Plans Available
Life Transformation - 12 Weeks
1 x Intro coaching session to map out your transformation - 30 mins
6 x Phenomenal Transformation Sessions focused on areas of your choice - 2 hours each. These sessions include a mix of modalities, including Havening Techniques, Hypnotherapy, Access Consciousness and Metacognitive Coaching.
2 x Custom-created hypnosis recordings to rewire old, stagnant, limiting beliefs and solidify new, empowering ones
2 x Metacognitive coaching sessions to supercharge your personal presence - 1 hour each
Access to Havening Library - contains over 300 minutes of Havening recordings & videos with Elle (Valued $599AUD)
Limited Voxer support for 12 weeks (Mon-Fri 10-4 pm)
24/7 Email support for 12 weeks
Investment AUD $3333
Payment Plans Available
Stages of coaching
What it ‘can’ look like working with Elle *All clients are different
Stage 1
To start we will work together around the area that's troubling you the most, You’ll experience Introduction to Havening Techniques® and release encoded distressing/traumatic memories that is holding you back, beliefs and discuss options for radical transformation. We will gain clarity of the areas and the direction we are moving towards.
Stage 2
The second stage is to Redefine who you are! At the same time setting goals, tasks and accountability to move forward. We will have clarity on what you actually want and what you choose to happen next so you can integrate your new subconscious beliefs in to your daily life.
This means centering your conscious mind and body to direct your energy, attention and awareness towards the things you do want and away from the things you don’t want. Life is like layers of an onion and once we peel back the first layer we will have more uncover itself.
Each session we will also work with whats unfolded each week/fortnight start working on building resilience, through other forms of Havening®
Stage 3
The third stage is the deliberate & conscious creation of your desire through massive, aligned action. But not just any action, consistent action that pushes you past your comfort zone so you train your brain for a new way of living. The mind learns by repetition, need evidence?
You didn't learn the alphabet the first time you heard it?
Taking deliberate action creates a feedback loop between your outside and inside world. With repetition, you go from thinking to knowing you're capable of change. This session will also come with a personalized recording to use on yourself for ongoing support in creating the life that you want to live.
By this stage, you'll feel free from your worries and limitations however I believe in "putting in the good stuff" so this stage is all about feeling good!
Stage 4
The fourth and final stage is to rewire your new way of being. Your brain is wired to do more of the things that bring you pleasure and move you away from pain. So, it's vital and essential that you rewire new and positive thought patterns back into your everyday life.
In case we need to go over anything in-depth this session will ensure we’ve covered all bases and I'll teach you how to use Havening Technique® on yourself, so you can truly live an unstoppable life.
You will have control of your life and clarity. You will have achieved your goals or have clarity around what needs to happen moving forward.